When it comes to protecting your educational institution from cyber attacks and threats, there are plenty of resources that discuss the pitfalls of traditional anti-viruses as well as the importance of an EDR solution. That’s why we recently took a different approach and had the opportunity to examine cybersecurity through the eyes of a threat hunter in the world’s largest security operations center.
Below you will find a webinar we hosted, “Threat Hunting – A Day in the Life of a SOC Analyst.” Together with our partner, Sophos, we examined problem-solving via the mindset of a security analyst. It was our goal to leave K-12 organizations with a few points so that they can better understand the importance of threat hunting as it relates to cybersecurity as well as the best practices they can take to protect their organization.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our cybersecurity services, including how we can recommend a solution for your institution, implement that solution, reduce your costs and protect your organization, contact us today.